Chinese Drywall Settlement Is Little Help – Tampa Chinese Drywall Blog

Don't get us wrong, the $55 Million Banner Supply Chinese Drywall Settlement is an important achievement in the defective drywall battle that many Tampa Chinese drywall homeowners are waging.  Many homeowners throughout Florida, and beyond, will potentially benefit.  However, some [...]

Chinese Drywall Supplier To Pay $55 Million – Tampa Chinese Drywall Blog

During the monthly status conference today for the Judge Fallon Chinese drywall litigation we learned about some interesting developments.  First, and most significant, is that a preliminary settlement has been reached with the Florida-based drywall supplier Banner Supply Company.  The settlement is [...]

How To Document Chinese Drywall – Tampa Chinese Drywall Blog (Video)

In our latest video Eric talks about how to properly document and store Chinese drywall samples, and Chinese drywall end-tape samples, per Judge Fallon's order.  This information is relevant to those Chinese drywall homeowners who plan to pursue legal action [...]

Chinese Products – When Will We Get It? Tampa Chinese Drywall Blog

Normally we blog about things relating to Chinese drywall and home building, but sometimes we feel compelled to go off the beaten path.  Today's blog is a bit of a rant on Chinese products and their impact on our health, [...]

Chinese Drywall Websites – Trust But Verify – Tampa Chinese Drywall Blog

  In our last blog -  How To Choose A Chinese Drywall Contractor - And Not Get Scammed (Tampa, Florida) - we talked about the simple steps you can take to choose a quality Chinese drywall contractor.  In this blog, [...]